“Know Yourself. Love Yourself. Be Yourself.” That is the mantra of a person I admire, Tom Iland.
Thanks to Toastmasters, yet another person has found his voice and is making a difference, Tom Iland.
I joined Toastmasters because I wanted to improve my public speaking skills and tell my story as a professional speaker in the autism community and beyond.
That was in 2015. Today Tom is a Distinguished Toastmaster, one of only 87 Toastmasters Accredited speakers in the world (and the ONLY one with Autism. ) Earlier this year he stepped on a TEDx stage to share his message.
I heard Tom speak for the first time in 2017. I was blown away because I, like so many, do not understand Autism. In 2019 I heard him speak twice – once as a guest speaker at a Dining club – where I learned about his book and again when he keynoted at an Awards and Installation Banquet. There I heard his speech specifically about his experience with Autism. It was nothing short of inspiring. And enlightening.
Since his diagnosis with Autism at age 13, Tom worked hard to achieve many goals he set for himself. They include driving, full-time employment, living in his own apartment, and becoming a Certified Public Accountant. As a national spokesperson for Autism, he no longer practices any form of accounting, bookkeeping, or other financial services but does keep his CPA license active.
Tom has presented numerous workshops and training for the United States Army, The Autism Society of America, The Council of Exceptional Children, Future Horizons, The HELP Group, Autism Conferences of America, and Loyola-Marymount University, to name a few. He has even addressed the United Nations!
He is also on the Board of Directors for several not-for-profit organizations, including Autism Speaks, The Art of Autism, and Junior Chamber International. Most recently has become a certified human potential coach and studying to achieve a blue belt in Jeet Kune Do.
And best of all, Tom Iland is humble, kind, and an asset to any event where he shows up. I love Tom’s sweet face, his charming smile, and the perpetual twinkle in his eyes. Most of all, I love what he is doing for Autism awareness.