Category: Musings
In her musings blog, Linnaea shares all sorts of topics about life – Travel, photography, hearing loss, videos, observations, public speaking, quotes and more.
I Love Goldendoodle Puppies
Those who know me know I LOVE cats. But, there is one thing I love more than felines, and that is PUPPIES! When I grew up, we owned a male and female Cockapoo that created litters of darling furballs twice a year. As a child and tween, these delightful…
Frightfully Fun Halloween Pictures and Video
I just love Halloween decorations. Especially the scary ones! Here is a gallery of some of my favs as well as a video that captures even more. The Video:
Linnaea Loves Cows
TEDx Speaker Linnaea Mallette
Loving My Arizona Desert Photography

I am not the only one who loves my Arizona desert photography Photography Rediscovered I rediscovered the joy of photography in 2012 when I started to create images with quotes. Since I manage several blogs and Facebook pages, and they all need word pictures, I was quickly running out of photographs.…