If you’re looking for a unique gift for yourself or for a person who has everything, I’ve got a book recommendation for you.
My good friend and business partner, Circe Denyer, gave me a paperback book earlier this year titled, “You’re Weird – a Creative Journal for Misfits, Oddballs, and Anyone Else who’s Uniquely Awesome” by Kate Peterson.
In short, the book is weirdly delightful.
It is more of a journal than a book. It is chock full of funny questions and things to consider. Before long you come to realize that we are all weird in some way – and that that is a good thing. Why? Individuality! Being your authentic self. Uniqueness. That’s all good? YES!
I did not take much time to look at this journal until tonight, preparing questions for what we call “Table Topics” in my Toastmaster club*. Table Topics is the opportunity to practice impromptu speaking. While often the scariest part of a meeting for newbies, with funny questions, it makes answering impromptu less nerve-wracking.
I compiled a list of questions from this fun book journal for club members to answer. How would you answer them?
- What does “weird” mean to you?
- Do you think “normal” exists?
- General George Patton once said, “If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn’t thinking.” What do you agree? Why or why not?
- How do you think the world would be different if everyone were proud to be weird
- John Lennon said, “It’s weird not to be weird.” Do you agree or disagree? Why?
- Tell us about a weird thing you did as a kid.
- Tell us about the weird quality or habit of a family member
- What weirdness did you learn from another person? Tell us about it.
- Tell us about some bizarre trends from the weird decade you grew up in
I’m looking forward to the answers to these questions from my fellow club members. I am most looking forward to members considering that it is okay to weird!
* Toastmasters is a worldwide non-profit organization consisting of individual clubs with members to helping one another overcome the fear of public speaking.