It is no secret that I believe quotes can, and have, changed lives. Especially mine! Singer Joan Baez’s quote “Action is the antidote to despair.” is one of the big ones for me.
I’ve heard from more than one source that many who participated in making the movie titled “The Secret, ” regret having left out the third ingredient to creating a successful life—taking action.
Frederick Douglass, an American abolitionist who escaped slavery, women’s suffragist, editor, orator, author (and more), said,
“I prayed for twenty years but received no answer until I prayed with my legs.”
Action as an Antidote to Despair
During this way-too-long COVID era, there were many times I felt depressed – bordering despair. I discovered if I just got up and did SOMETHING – ANYTHING, I felt better. It usually involved a small chore of some sort. Maybe wiping down my bathroom counter and maybe dusting just one shelf in my office. It doesn’t take much, and boy, what a difference! Of course, you can move mountains five minutes at a time.
Of course, we want to take action that feeds us, not destroys us. For example: vacuuming a rug vs. eating a piece of cheesecake. I recall in my youth, when I was more often unhappy than happy, forcing myself to swim laps in the pool. I didn’t WANT to. I often cried as I began the laps. But when done, the despair diminished considerably.
What does taking inspired action mean? Simply put, receiving inner guidance and wisdom that inspires us to take the best course of action at that moment. At the least, we often experience something to surprise and delight. On the other end of the spectrum, perhaps reveal life-changing insights!
That action might be as simple as being inspired to get in the car and head to the store. Why? Because someone who
has the information you need will be there. If you miss that opportunity, no worry. There are always more opportunities coming. But why delay the ultimate good stuff when we can tune into the inspiration
for right action now.
Action as an antidote to despair conclusion
Taking action is all-important – as it truly does uplift the spirit. Seeking and taking inspired action usually cuts the amount of time and effort it takes to get what we want. Most importantly, we enjoy ourselves more along
the way.